Monsters Clothespin Puppets

Are your kids scared of monsters under their beds? Fight fire with fire with these fun monsters clothespin puppets.

These lovely bunch is perfect for scaring away any other monsters, or just to have fun with on a rainy day.

Printable Monsters Clothespin Puppets for Kids

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Most of us kids (as did we) go through the “monster” phase, when they are afraid of the monsters that might be hiding anywhere in the room. There are numerous ways you can help kids fight off those monsters (like a monster repellent spray), one of those being having the kids have their own friendly monster friend.

These clothespin puppets make cool friendly monster pals for your kids, they are easy and fun to make and kids will love them.

Clothespin Monster Puppet Printable

This is Mushy, the mushroom growing 3 eyed monster. Silly and friendly.

Clothespin Monster Puppet

How to Make Monsters Clothespin Puppets

What you need:

Step by Step Instructions

Start by printing the template on heavier print paper.

You can cut the full color version straight away, however if you printed the black and white version we do recommend you color it beforehand.

Cut along the monster outline.

Next cut along the marked mouth line.

Apply glue on the clothespin gripping area.

Stick the monster to the clothespin. 

All done!

Clothespin Monster Puppets

You have made a monster clothespin puppet.

Clothespin Monster Puppets Printable

Get the Monsters Clothespin Puppets

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