Paper Plate Snake Craft

Did you know you can make a swirly snake out of a paper plate? In this tutorial we’ll be showing you how your kids can easily make a paper plate snake craft. Love or hate snakes, this one is a fun one to make and it’s a friendly one.

Your kids can play with many different colors and even learn about different species of snakes while making this craft. We love it when you can add an educational twist to crafts your kids make.

Snake paper plate craft idea for kids.

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We’ll be making a green snake with yellow lines, but this one just screams to be a coral snake, doesn’t it? Have your kids play with different colors and patterns to create their snakes.

Snake Paper Plate Craft

You just have to love the diversity paper plate crafts offer.

DIY Paper Plate Snake Craft

How to Make the Paper Plate Snake Craft

What You Need:

  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • paper plate
  • red colored paper
  • craft paints
  • paintbrush
  • two googly eyes

Step by Step Tutorial

For one snake you will need just one paper plate.

Step 1

If your kids are going to make a snake with only one color, the easiest way is to paint the paper plate whole before cutting.

If they will be using multiple colors, the best way to go about it is to paint the paper plate (or leave it blank) with the brightest color they are going to use.

Step 2

Once the paint is dry have the kids start cutting a spiral, starting at the outer edge and slowly working their way to the center (as they rotate the paper plate).

Step 3

Continue moving towards the center, forming the snake’s body.

Step 4

They can form the head in the center, but if they cut into it too much, they can always create the head out of construction paper or other paper plate and glue it onto the snake’s body.

Step 5

Have kids choose their favorite colors (we used yellow paint) to add colorful patterns on the snake’s body.

Step 6

Attach two small googly eyes to the snake’s head.

Step 7

Our slithering friend needs a tongue, so have your child cut a flag-shaped tongue from red paper and glue it under the snake’s head for a vibrant detail.

Step 8

And that’s it, the paper plate snake craft is complete.

Step 9

Your kids can play with stretching and bending the paper plate snake.

Easy Paper Plate Snake Craft

They can make more snakes in different colors!

Paper Plate Snake Craft Idea

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