As the end of the school year approaches it’s time to make a simple keepsake – like end of year memory book!
Just think how fun it will be to look back at this one in a couple of years.
End of School Year Memory Book Free Printable
Have the kids make this fun memory book. There are quite a few pages where they will be drawing and writing about themselves, their school experiences, their teacher, and their schoolmates.
I made an addition of a few printable pages for “friends” as I had two ideas on how to go about that. One way to make it is to have the classmates make a small auto portrait (6 per page) and write down their name. The other is where each student gets two pages – one to draw themselves and write down their name and the other where they write down the words that describe them. Chose the pages that best fit your needs.
All pages are in black and white so there’s much room for creativity. Kids can trace the borders to give them more life, color in the letters…
Once this little project is done I recommend you laminate the front and back pages (or all). This is to make sure they will be fun to look back at for years to come.
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Dear Andreja,
I love these ideas, especially what the child will miss most about school. Oftentimes, it seems we only look forward to school being over instead of realizing its highlights.
One request, though: would you mind reposting this and changing the favorite book part to read “My favorite book is”, please? It currently has books plural with the singular verb.
Many thanks!
Thanks for spotting that and letting me know – I’ve missed it when proofreading :). It has been changed.
Great idea! How cool! 🙂
Great! Thank you for ideas and worksheets.